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How to choose an Amethyst Stone Selection Tips Manifestation magic amethyst

Feng Shui - Simple Cures: How to choose an Amethyst Stone Selection Tips: The amethysts stone as a symbol of purity and spirituality used mostly by healers and for healing sessions is a purple coloured stone has ...
chunky amethyst raw stone

Amethyst stone is very beautiful but you need to get the original one. Stones emit really good energy and amethysts is very powerful for protection and attracting wishes. Manifestation magic is what I have learned from the raw amethyst. Raw stones have powerful energies as compared to machine treated stone jewelry. I prefer raw bespoke jewelry. The raw amethyst is powerful for wish fulfillment and to attract abundance. 
Some conditions for your amethyst stone to work as manifestation magic stone-
choose only that which connects with you. touch feel vibes. Never allow anyone else to touch the stone. never share your wishes with anyone while meditating. Purify the stone as it tends to attract negativity from others in case you have family members who doubt effects of stones and constantly talk negative about gemstones. hide your stones then , in such case. I have personally experienced my rose quartz take so many blows and protect me, I have it and it is really precious.
rose quartz ball heart stone

raw quartz and amethyst rock stones

my chipped rose quartz pyramid

my amethysts finger ring -the stone changes colour!
read here-my amethysts changes colour!
 Amethysts stone is the birth stone of February born. My birthstone. Purple to light lilac and deep purple you see many shapes in this gemstone. It might bring drowsiness and low energy in beginning, happened with me and I would avoid using the stone since many years. Then I tried communicating and it loved and then magic happened! since then I love amethysts and it is a blessings tone and works wonders if you give it some love and respect, it gives back manifolds!
thank you and hope you loved this post! do add some amethysts and share your experiences, use it for manifesting magic of abundance health wealth and joy. 
All the Best from Rizwana!
I do not sell gemstones, this is my passion. I am a professional Reiki healing artists since year 2000 making spiritual art buy manifestation art here razarts

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